Somehow I missed that this was yesterday.
Christian was a preemie. Born at 29 weeks. 3 pounds 3 ounces. 15 inches long. Total surprise. He was due on July 4th. I had him Easter Sunday. He gave us no indication he was coming early. Just decided he wanted out and that was it. They did manage to hold him off for a few days and give me time to get the shots to mature his lungs. But by Day 3, I was going into congestive heart failure from the medication I was given to stop labor so he had to be delivered.
There were so many things that could have gone wrong. But never did. He spent about 36 hours with a breathing tube. Another 3 days or so under the O2 hood. And that was it. He just needed to grow.
I can still remember how surreal it was to be discharged and leave my baby behind. To trust others to help him. I was extremely lucky. He had wonderful NICU doctors and nurses...one nurse I am still friends with to this day 10 1/2 years later. It was a feeling I don't wish on anyone. I spent all day, every day with him. From early morning to late at night. And he grew and grew and grew. We brought him home at almost 6 weeks old and at 4 1/2 pounds.
I was never afraid. I knew he would be ok. Call it mothers instinct. He thrived at home. 18 pounds 12 ounces by his first birthday. Met all of his milestones 3 months off. But still met them. No brain issues. CP is a big concern for early babies. Nothing at all. He is a bright boy who does well in school. Likes to talk and gets in trouble for that. But so did I. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Like I said, somehow I missed this yesterday. And it is a good thing in a way. I haven't given a thought to Christian's prematurity in years.
We belong to a club that nobody really wants to belong to. It still bothers me to this day when moms get to hold their babies right after they are born or coming home. I never got to do that with either one. I looke at both of them and amazed! I had a validictorian daughter and is now doing so well in college. And my firecracker baby boy is now 10 years old. I hate to think of the could have beens but you think about it every day. LOVE you Cathy!!
I was fortunate that I got to hold both of the girls after. I even had Casey on my chest!
As much as I would have never planned on being in this club, it brought me some great friends I would have never met otherwise...you Sheri and Dori right off the top of my head. And I think it gives us a better feel for how fragile life can be.
LOVE you too!
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