
Monday, November 15, 2010

I Don't Know

how people with large families do it. 3 kids make me slightly insane some days. There is always someone who needs something. Math checked. Batteries for the Wii remote. Nose wiped. Butt wiped. Straw in the juice box. Something. Always.

I love those kids to the bottom of my toes. Wouldn't change anything it took to get me to this point. There are days it is a nut house in here. Forget about 4-7 pm. I don't even answer the phone.

I am blessed with a great husband and father to my children. There are days he makes me slightly insane. Days he is cranky. And tired. My famous (or maybe it is infamous) expression that I say to my husband is "You may be a dick. But you are my dick." But most nights he gives them their baths. And gets the baby to sleep. And that gives me an hour or two to myself. Granted. I am still usually doing something family oriented...putting away wash, emptying the dishwasher etc... But at least I am not chasing a 1 year old down the hall way who is running away with the clean pajamas from the laundry basket.

Right now is my 120 minutes to myself. One upstairs falling asleep. 2 downstairs on the PS3. There is so much that needs to be done. We are having our pre Thanksgiving dinner this Saturday. My house needs a cleaning.

But I want my 120 minutes....


Gina said...

I just had to declare some quiet time. I warmed up dinner and only had enough warmed up to feed everyone but me. So I waited while everyone ate. Once mine was done and I sat down everyone wanted to play 20 questions. Remember that line from A Christmas Story? "My mother hadn't eaten a hot meal in more than 15 years." Story of my life!! Even now I have on sitting next to me waiting for me to finish so she can ask me about something or other. I started a calendar where I write down what we're having for dinner each night. You know how many times I was asked "What's for dinner?" even though they know it's on the calendar? 4 times. At least one of them has an excuse for not reading it! It's about time for a shower and a double Kahlua and cream!

Cathy said...

I always say I haven't eaten a hot meal or peed alone since 1999.

I am just hiding here and playing on my laptop :)