
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Wonder

how I got to this point sometimes.

Supposedly I am infertile.

We were married in May 1998. In November of that year I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Also with a pre cancerous cervical condition. Had a colposcopy and LEEP done. Luckily it was caught early. In 12 years of follow up, it hasn't come back.

But between the endo and the LEEP, no one was sure what my future held.

I was a lucky infertile lady. I just needed help pinpointing ovulation. We got pregnant on the 2nd cycle of drugs.

And then I miscarried.

We waited a few months and tried again. Those months were terrible. I thought it would never happen again. Got pregnant on the first round of drugs. That was my son. The early bird. The one who couldn't wait for his 4th of July due date. He decided to come on Easter Sunday.

We swore standing over him in the NICU that we wouldn't do it again. We just wanted him to live and be healthy.

When Christian was 3, somehow, we got pregnant. And I miscarried that one.

Well now, I had the itch to have another. Found a WONDERFUL specialist in Ohio. He did a whole round of blood work on me and a surgery to remove my endo. Turns out I have a blood disorder that puts me at a higher risk for miscarriage. Took care of that issue. Surgery to clean out my pipes in October. First round of drugs in December. BAMMMMMM Baby #2!!

Now we think we are done. One of each. Some call it a rich mans family. Boy. Girl.

Someone higher then me had a different opinion.

The Phillies won the World Series. The hubs and I celebrated...appparently a little too much. I didn't feel good on Thanksgiving Day. Thought HMMMM?? Picked up a test. Surprise. Surprise. Did #3 all on our own. I was so surprised. I was afraid to be too excited giving my history. Once again, someone higher then me had a different idea. Baby #3 was a relatively boring pregnancy compared to the first 2 (although 6 weeks after she was born is a whole different story)

Baby #3. My ooops baby. My bonus baby. My bought 2 and got 1 free baby.

I love my family. If you had told me back in 1999 that we would have 3 children, I would have laughed and laughed and laughed. I couldn't imagine my life without these 3. They are all so different yet all so the same. They got the best of both of us wrapped up into these 3 little beings. I never know what each day is going to bring. It is something different every day. I can hardly wait to see them grow. But I want them to stay little forever. ♥

Best part of this whole story? The hubby had to get the old snippety snip back in March. I was told no more babies because of the DVT last year.

The infertile couple needed to get permanent birth control. Ironic.


Monica said...

You both are very blessed! :)