Our powder room toilet has been leaking. A few weeks ago, the hubs replaced all of the guts. It was good for a while. Then started to leak again. He actually took it apart and replaced some seal in between the tank and the base. It stopped leaking for a few weeks. Started again a few days ago. Tonight he was going to fix it again.
Except there in one thing different from the last time he fixed it. I put one of those blue disinfecting tablets in the tank. So now the tank and toilet water are blue.
This time around, the toilet is leaking really bad. Still leaking even though he shut the water off. Leaking BLUE water. Every thing is now blue....including his hands!! He was so pissed. "I look like an effing SMURF!!"
Christian and I laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Daddy? Not so much.
The plumber is coming tomorrow between 12 and 4.
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