Lucky me. I get to go back tomorrow. I had my first ever "squishing" last June. Saw some calcifications on the right side. Wonderful. So I have to be checked in 6 months to make sure all is good. Which is tomorrow.
I know. I know. Lots of women have this. One of my BFFs has it and goes every 6 months to be checked and all is fine. But it is still scary.
Breast cancer scares me. No. Scare isn't a strong enough word. TERRIFIES me would be more like it.
I will be glad when it is this time tomorrow. And I have my answers.
On a side note, mammograms are not all that bad. All the hype. And it really was nothing. Of course, I could think of better things then having my boobies in a vice. But it is super quick. Literally seconds. And it doesn't hurt at all. Uncomfortable? Yes. Pain? No. I am sure I could google the statistics on how early detection prevents cancer. But I am too lazy. :) Google it yourself if you really must know.
So to all of my girls over 40, get it done!
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