Here we are. Another year gone. Another one starting.
I never make resolutions. Why is one day more special then any other to try and improve myself? And who keeps them anyway?? I don't have any vices. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I do probably curse too much. That might be one to try.
I have settled on a few things that I really need to make an effort to try and improve.
1. A cleaner house. Well maybe not so much cleaner as less clutter. We are in a constant state of messiness. Not dirty. No roaches. No dirty dishes under the couch. No food on the floor. But way too much crap just thrown in way too many places. I have a friend who calls it C.H.A.O.S. Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. We definitely live in CHAOS. Baby Steps. I am going to start with one room at a time. Probably will take me the whole year.
2. Cooking. I really need to cook more. Or find easy recipes. I am not a bad cook. The kids always seem to like what I make. More I guess I am not an inspired cook. I find it tedious. I do cook 4-5 nights a week. Part of the problem is my kitchen is a mess. (See CHAOS above!) LEGOS being built on my kitchen table. Kitchen counter is covered in mail and school work and everything else. Erika's easel in the middle of the kitchen. Perhaps I should start with cleaning the kitchen first. THEN I can cook.
3. Nookie. :) The hubs and I definitely need more US time. It is hard. 3 kids. He works 70 hours a week. Homework. Dance class. Wash. ETC ETC ETC... I am tired. He is tired. When we go to bed, we really just want to sleep. I think we need to be more creative and MAKE the time to be with each other. Luckily, we really do LIKE each other so we can continue to make our marriage stronger. But we definitely could use more nookie.
I plan on making a conscious effort to really work on the above. It looks good on paper (or the screen) but I really need to get up every morning and WORK at it.
Happy 2011 everyone. I hope it is a good one!
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