is my ♥
2 Sundays ago, the hubs wasn't feeling good. He actually hadn't felt well for a few days. Flu-ish. But on Sunday, he started having some chest pain. Of course, my first thought was heart attack. But no shooting pain down his arm or shortness of breath. For my husband to complain, however, it had to be bad. We took him over to the ER. They did all of the standard tests (EKG etc) but nothing showed up. After being there a few hours, he had the pain again. Nitroglycerin stopped it. Uhhhh Ohhhh. His blood work came back wonky. They decide to admit him to run some more tests on Monday.
Monday morning he calls me. His cardiac enzymes came back and they think he had a heart attack. He is being transferred that afternoon to another hospital for a cardiac cath. WHAT?? I went and got the kids out of school and off we went. We met him at the first hospital and waited for the ambulance for him. Went to the other hospital. Waited in the surgery waiting area. Then they let us come back into the cardiac cath area which really surprised me considering I had all 3 kids with me. We got all of the worse case scenarios..bypass, open heart. BLAH. We kissed him goodbye and off he went.
Back to the surgical waiting area. Within about 20 mins, one of the cardiologists came to find me. And gave me the shock of my life. One artery. 90% blocked!! I actually had to have her repeat what she said because I thought I heard her wrong. My 45 year old husband DID have what they called a "small" heart attack and had to have angioplasty done to open up one of his arteries. Thank goodness the other ones were wide open and his heart looked strong.
They let us come back to the cardiac cath area again to see him post op. What a freaky sight seeing my big, strong, never gets sick husband lying flat on a gurney so his femoral artery doesn't bust open. (They go in through the femoral for the cath) But he was alive. And himself.
He stayed one more night. And came home to us in one piece. Especially with his ♥. It still blows me away that my 45 year old husband had a heart attack. Heart attacks are for old people. And he never had any of the "classic" signs. His pain was more centered up near his shoulder blade. And me bitching at him is what got him to finally go to the hospital. What if I hadn't taken him??
All 3 of my kids were so good in the hospital. They really were my angels. Erika did cry for 2 days straight while her father was in the hospital. I know she was freaked out. I don't know how people do it when one of the parents die. Erika would have been in counseling for years.
It doesn't matter how old you are. Shit happens. If you don't feel right, get it checked. I shudder to think what would have happened if he hadn't gone.
And the one thing I kept thinking about was our trip to Disney World back in December. I was so glad we had taken it. If something, God forbid, did happen to him, we always had that trip with him.
Life is too short. Grab every chance you get. Love. Love. Love.