I wish my fellow mommies nothing but happiness.
And I wish you the following
~No doing the wash, emptying the dishwasher or cleaning
~No changing diapers
~No puking
~No cooking dinner
~A nice long bath without someone sticking their hands under the door asking you what you are doing
~A chance to watch a tv show you love...whether in real time or DVRed..and you get to hold the remote the ENTIRE time
~All the time on any website you want...whether it is Facebook or CNN or TMZ
And most of all, time with your shorties. Or time WITHOUT your shorties. Whichever works for you.
Me, I am spending the day with my favorite 3 little people. I would have never thought a decade ago that I would be blessed with 3 wonderful children. They are the best presents I could ever ask for. ♥